Restaurant Review:
Dapur Babah is one of Tugu Hotels chain restaurants. It represents the Babah culture which involved much more than cuisine. The restaurant itself is rich in its architectural styles, artistic tastes, clothing and decorative arts from various cultures – mostly Chinese and Indonesian. It is also decorated with some artifacts from the colonial period, a room separator from the Ming dynasty and not to mention some photos of prominent Babah families – making people feel at home when enjoying the meals there.
At the back of the main house is a semi-open terrace, inspired by the kitchen of the Babah Oei family, with a statue of a kitchen goddess, old Chinese glass lanterns and other kitchen utensils from the period. What I love the most is the Tao Bar, a place in which elegantly decorated with big tall pillars and statues of Buddha.
Dapur Babah has several private rooms. In one of the private rooms, they have a huge Princess Kwan Im statue. The room is very special, dominated by red color with long table and Chinese style red wooden chair. It reminds me of Chinese kung-fu movies :D. It feels like I’m one of the warrior princesses, having dinner with my “brothers” before going for a battle. Hahaha.. :D Awesome!
Dapur Babah offers peranakan specialties meals. The favorite menu is “Nasi Campur” and “Nasi Goreng Bang Samin”. The grilled duck is also delicious. As for veggies, try their “Mie Kangkung”, apart from gado-gado and different types of “pepes”. Oyeah, don’t forget to order “Plasir d’Amour” Ice Tea to accompany your meals!
*Address: Jl. Veteran I No. 18 - 19, Jakarta Pusat*