Do you believe in miracles?
I do.
I notice that some people don’t believe in miracles, but that’s ok. I will not try to persuade anyone to change his/her perception. It’s his/her call.
Why am I discussing about miracles now? I don’t know. I’m just sitting here @ my bedroom and thinking about how funny my life is. Hehehe.. and suddenly I remember that sometimes-weird things happened. Unexplainable ones…
There was a time when I was actively involved in two charity clubs. Ramadhan season was the busiest season for me, even though I’m not a Moslem. Every week at least there were two orphanages that we visited (one orphanage for each charity club). One time, we were planning to take numbers of orphans to break the fast at a fast food restaurant. Everything was settled: the venue, numbers of children, the meals, etc. Everything, except the transportation. We were preparing this from weeks ahead, but at that time we had difficulties in finding public transportation to rent. Every single day I received such hopeless reports from my colleagues.
Damn! What should we do? We already tried everything, but the result was zero. One day before the D-day, I was sitting alone in my office feeling hopeless. Didn’t know what to do. Didn’t know to whom I should ask for a favor anymore. Didn’t have any idea how would we solve this issue.
But, suddenly, my phone rang. A woman’s voice greeted me and said, “Hello, is this Nila? I heard that your charity club is having an event tomorrow. I’m just wondering whether I could contribute something”.
Then I said, “Oh yeah.. sure. Anything will do. But, honestly, we still don’t have any transportation to take the orphans to the venue and take them back to their orphanage…”
The woman on the other line said, “Ahh.. what a coincidence! I own a transportation company. I have some busses that you can use. How many busses do you need?”
I said, “One or two busses should be enough, depends on the seats. How much should we pay for one bus? And do you also provide a driver?”
She said, “Ohhh Nila.. don’t worry. I’ll give it for free. Just tell me how many busses do you need? I will also provide the drivers. You can use the busses as long as you want. The drivers will take those kids to the venue, wait there and then take them back to their place”.
Speechless. I couldn’t believe what I just heard.
She offered me everything for free. I didn’t even know her and I had no idea how she knew my mobile number. Perhaps she got my number from our website, but hey… what a coincidence that she called up just at the right time!
I was stunned. Still speechless after hang up the phone and felt so relieved at the same time. The phone call was the answer of my prayer. I thanked God for that… big time.
The next day, there were two busses parking in front of our meeting place, complete with the drivers, ready to serve us.
And I stood there. Amazed. Felt blessed and couldn’t stop thinking how lucky we were!
At that time, I realized that God would always help us, thus, we shouldn’t worry about anything.
This story also reminded me of a phrase, “Don’t be afraid of tomorrow. God is already there”.
I always remember this phrase whenever I feel worried, nervous, or afraid of something. It convinces me that everything is going to be just fine… ☺ Even in the most difficult situation, He would be there to help us.
Everything is possible. So, don’t lose faith. Miracles do exist, even in this insane world ☺. At least that’s what I think. The story above is only one simple true story that happened in my life. There are many more… and still more to come ☺