On a freezing afternoon (yes, this room is freezing cold!), after the "market" is slowing down, I allow myself to spend some time to read my lovely friend's blog. Scrolling down her blog, I feel honored to find my name was chosen to receive "Rockin' Girl Blogger Award".
Oh, thank you, Hanny! I feel flattered! You've made this afternoon warmer :)
Now I have to choose 5 female who deserve the Award. Here they are:
1) Nadia, a smart and talented girl who has been living in different places in the world and has shared her experience and thoughts in her blog. Her life is always exciting and colorful! Thanks for sharing it with us, darling! I miss you heaps!!
2) Raquel, my ex-neighbor in Amsterdam. She lives in Toronto now and busy taking care her twins sons, getting her MBA and writing for some projects. She just talked to Brad Pitt a couple of days ago in a film festival and it made me so jealous! hahahaa.. I found her blog interesting and I loved her writing :).
3) Susan Loone and 4) Elizabeth Wong -- two women "activists" in the blogosphere. Love their blogs' content as well as admire their spirits t0 fight for freedom of expression!
And last but not least, I think, Hanny deserves to have another Rockin' Girl Blogger Award for her passion in writing :).
Again, thank you for the award and now it's your turn to pass it to 5 other female bloggers ;).