Imagine.... celebrating New Year's eve in the middle of the Andaman sea.. laying on the deck, looking up to the sky with beautiful fireworks above you... with nobody else around, apart from your dive buddies on that boat... mmm... it was definitely one of the most memorable new year's eves in my life.. :)
It was actually the beginning of my four-weeks Thailand trip and Similan Islands was definitely a good place to start the trip, to end the year of 2008 and to welcome 2009 :).
Similan Islands, literally means the Nine Islands is one of the best dive spots in Thailand. There are 9 islands in the area in which Thai people call them by numbers. Island No.1, 2 and 3 are forbidden for divers as the Thai government wants to protect the sea turtles who lay their eggs there. The Similan Islands is easy to access from Phuket and Khao Lak, however, if one wants to maximise his/her dive trip, it is recommendable to do a live aboard trip from Phuket or Khao Lak. As for me, I did a 4-days-live aboard trip with 14 dives in total. It was so much fun and the food... mmm... don't ask! Delicious. Full stop.

On my travel journal, I wrote:
"First day in 2009... and first dive of 2009... it was such a beautiful dive! Lots of big fish - sweetlips, jackfish, groupers, etc. I've never seen such big fish like those before. The trevally was close to 2 meters. Wow! And... I saw the biggest moray eel ever! It was as big as my thigh! I was so scared that it might bite me when I swam and took a picture above him :p"

We dove at Anita’s Reef (Island # 5-6), East of Eden – Koh Payu (Island #7), West of Eden – Koh Payu, Grandmother Bay (Island #9), Koh Bon, South Reef (Island #9), Turtle Rock (Island #8), Elephant Head Rock, Honeymoon Bay (Island #4), Shark Fin Reef and Boonsung Wreck.
Each dive was different and interesting. I personally love the giant sea fans in which could be found in almost every dive site. They’re lovely. In one of the spots, hard corals were scattered like a paddy field in the village. As far as one could see, hard corals stretched for miles away and hundreds of fish swimming above them. What an amazing view…

At the Boonsung Wreck, the visibility was poor, around 5 – 7 meters, but there were thousands of fish! Wonderful. Schools of yellow-tail barracudas swimming around me. It was such an amazing feeling to swim in between them! So cool! We also found an ornate ghost pipefish hiding in between corals. It’s so damn cute! I was so happy to see it. Yayyyy!!! Peter, a Thai diver, was the one who found it. I thanked him for having such good eyes as the ghost pipefish was less than 5cm!
In most of the dives, the water was choppy, so most of the time, we had to descend as soon as we jumped to the water. The hardest one was to go up to the boat. With such choppy water, omigod… it was damn difficult! I felt sorry for Sing, the dive master, for working hard to help us to get on the boat… and that includes taking off our fins in such big waves (that’s because we had such difficulties in taking off our fins, so he took the liberty to help us!)! Oh dear… Not to mention he has to make sure that all of us were safe and having a good dive. Hmm.. who says being a dive master is an easy job? It’s not.
During those four days in the Andaman Sea, we had a lot of “visitors”. A lot of fish came to say “hi” to us every time our boat stopped the engine. Even turtles played with us… as well as… baby sharks! I remember on one sunny day, there were 3 baby sharks playing around not far from our boat. Then, another boat came and stopped about 10 meters from our boat. A bunch of snorkelers jumped to the water, while we’re watching those baby sharks! Those snorkelers had no idea that there were baby sharks nearby! Hahaha… It’s either they’re happy to bump into those sharks or freak out and run into the boat right away! Haha..:D.

I had such a great time diving at the Similan Islands with the Sea King Divers. The boat crews were all nice. Captain Pu, is an old friend of Sing, the dive master.. and he’s a diver, too! Sometimes he joined us diving. What a cool captain, he is! And the cook… you wouldn’t believe he’s a cook if you met him… he has a pirate-looking face with a headband on his head, just like a pirate. Scary-looking, but when he walks, his butt is sticking up and he’ll smile at you, gently. And once you taste his food… mmmhhh… am sure you’ll get addicted to it! Mr Wat, that’s his name. We all love him… and his tasty Thai dishes!!! Yuummmmm!!!
I will definitely come back to Similan Islands and will try to dive at the Richillieu Rock next time. This time our boat couldn’t make it due to the bad weather. That would be another reason to come back and dive here, right? ;)

As I said, it was a good place to start 2009. And with such a good start, I hope this would be an amazing year and my days ahead would be full of adventures!
Have a good year, my dear friends! Kisses! xxx