I was interviewed for the "Fun Fearless Female" program. It's a program starting from 10.00am - 2pm, Monday to Friday, targeting to modern women who are fun and fearless! ;) This program discusses topics from fashion, beauty, lifestyle, to business and self improvement! The host is Irina and she was my senior in my university ;). She opened the interview by saying:
"When I read the news about The Best Job in The World, I thought... Wow, this job is really cool! Then when I kept on reading the article, I found out that one of the finalists are from Indonesia... and she's Nila Tanzil. Omigod... she is my friend!!! Listeners, Nila is a true travel addict. She's petite, but very dynamic and energetic.. and she travels all the time! She loves outdoor activities, no wonder that her skin is glowingly tanned! Every time I check on her facebook, I always find her new travel pictures here and there... makes me jealous! Do you want to know her? She's in Singapore now but we get a chance to speak to her over the phone... Hi, Nilaaaa..."
"Hi Irina...", I said. I had to laugh to hear her opening, because we went to the same university together, so she knows me pretty well! That's why she has those detailed info on me coz we're friends. Hahaha...
"Apakabar, booo?", Irina said. (meaning: how are you, mate?)
(then the interview began).
She asked me several things, such as: what's the story of my application for The Best Job in The World, why did I apply, what are the tasks if I get the job, etc.
It was a fun 5-10 minutes on air. We had such a good laugh and when I shared the information of the task of the "Island Caretaker", she said, "Wooowww.. it is the best job in the world! We hope you'll get it, Nila! You really make us proud!"
Then she commented, "Nila, if you got that job, I'm sure your skin would get even darker!"
"Hahaha... I bet, yeah!!! Love it!", I said.
Then she asked the listeners to vote for me :) (http://www.islandreefjob.com/nila).
Well, thank you, Cosmo FM and Cosmo listeners! It was such a great fun being featured in the "Fun Fearless Female"! Hope to speak to you again real soon! ;)