On the sun and shiny Sunday (May 2nd, 2004), I had a birthday and also graduation day celebration. =) Actually my birthday was on April 29th, 2004... however, it was easier to do it on Sunday. =)
Thanks to both of my aunts. They cooked and prepared EVERYTHING... on the other hand, I did NOTHING ! Hahahhaa... =D They made delicious Indonesian dishes, such as: ketupat, opor tahu & telor, tumis buncis, ayam kecap, tumis jamur pedes, bakmi goreng, perkedel jagung, perkedel kentang, and acar ! Hmmm.. yummy !!! Not to mention the snacks: lapis legit, ketan, pudding and kue mangkok! Woohooo... lekker !!! Bulek Ninik (my mom's sister) also brought an apple tart and also strawberry tart for me. I was so happy... even my friends were so happy just to see the food ! hahahahhahaa... so funny !

Therefore, I only invited Martijn, Bram, Piet, Anna, Ires, Renaldi, Susi, Cecil and Vica. Too bad that Cecil and Vica couldn't come as the latter is going to have a wedding in the morning !
Bulek Ninik, Om Jan, Hanny, SyQ, Tante Sam, Om Cal, Afra, Tante Stan, Opa Rud, Hilda and her husband, Okki and his wife, Tante Syanne, Lia and of course Kakak Kilynn were there. The happy family gathered all together ! =) It was nice. The weather was nice, too so we could sit on the terrace, chatted while Bram, Martijn and Piet played guitar and sometimes they even sang together. Perfect. =) They were sooo good. I would love to record them. Hahaha.. seriously!