I'd love to share some beautiful pictures of Dieng Plateau, Central Java. The landscape is very breathtaking. Worth to visit! Seriously.
If you want to see more of these beautiful scenery, don't miss "Melancong Yuk" on Saturday, 9 February 2007 at 6.30am WIB on SCTV ;)

Beautiful, aren't they? Those pictures were taken on top of Sikunir Mountain, one of the mountains in Dieng Plateau. We had to wake up at 4am to go there, climbed the mountain (it took about 30 minutes to go up there. I must say, it wasn't easy to get up there!) and dealt with the cold (around 10 degrees Celcius -- it's cold for an Indonesian girl who's used to the warm temperature in Jakarta) :P hehehe..

Anyway, the trip to Dieng Plateau was nice. I really enjoyed it. The fresh air, the landscape, the historical places, everything comes in a nice package! Bring your winter jacket if you don't want to be freezing cold up there yah! ^-^