A young Indonesian photographer has made our country proud. Why? Jerry Aurum, a professional photographer and graphic designer, has launched its photo exhibition themed "Femalography" last Friday, 23 Feb 2007 at Senayan City, Jakarta. One can enjoy his artistic photographs of beautiful women (VJ Cathy, Rachel Maryam, Dian Sastro, Aline, Enditha, Adella Aletta, etc) posing in unusual pose starting from 23 Feb to 11 March, 2007.
Actually, "Femalography" photo exhibition was firstly launched in Singapore, last September 2006 at the Ministry of Information, Communications and Arts. On the same day, Jerry also launched the "Femalography" book. What made us proud is that the book was chosen as the "2nd Best Recommended" book by Borders Bookstore, Singapore in December 2006.
I was thrilled when he told me about this good news (he happens to be a very good friend of mine. So, girls.. please don't be jealous.. hehehe). There are not so many Indonesian photographers willing to publish a book of their artworks (-- especially without any sponsors!) and gained such an international recognition from a credible institution. Salut to Jerry!
Jerry is planning to hold a road show of "Femalography" photo exhibition in London, Sydney, New York and of course, Bali.
On yesterday's debate discussion about "Femalography" book, I asked him, "Jerry, which picture is your favorite?" He appointed a picture themed "Summer", where two ballerinas dance in between falling leaves. I was so happy to know that, because I made a contribution to that picture too! I introduced him to the two ballerinas and actually was there during the photo session. It was really fun to see my friends jumping around and made some difficult ballet movements. Wow! As a photographer, Jerry tried to make the whole photo shoot to be a fun session. Although I knew that the models were tired, Jerry was able to make them laugh. It was indeed a fun photo session, full of laughter, made my stomach hurts! :))

Congrats Jerry! All the best for you.
Oyeah, Jerry is preparing "Femalography II" project. He wants to make it as a trilogy. So, let's wait for his next Femalography book!