This post is dedicated to Morgan Mellish, a journalist for the Australian Financial Review
The first time I met Morgan was in September 2006 at one of JFCC's parties. This tall and a good looking guy was definitely fun to talk to. He loved to chat, yet he was a good listener too. Since then, we hung out a lot and we got closer and closer... It's been 6 months since I knew him, yet I think it's still too short...
He was such a sweetheart. He could be calm, yet he could be crazy too. When he started to do his "stupid" dancing moves, I couldn't stop laughing. He was very entertaining and I always shouted, "Kamu gilaaaaa!!!" (meaning: You're crazyyyy!!) He asked me to dance for him many times (I used to be a traditional Javanese dancer), but I was too shy to do it. I danced for him once and he said that he really loved it. He found it sexy (that's what he told his friend). Hehehe... Then, couple of days ago, he asked me to dance again, but I refused to do so. Now I really regret it... I wish I danced for you that night... :( If only I knew...
Babe, now I could see the bright side of my suspension in that TV show. God wanted me to be with you more often, especially for the last 1 month. Although you're very pissed off about my suspension and convinced me to stand on my ground, I'm glad now that I was suspended. Really. Coz, then I was able to spend the weekends with you. I guess everything happens for a reason, huh? But no worries... I would listen and do as you said...
I really enjoyed the time with you, babe.. When we shopped for furnitures in Kemang, spent hours to print and frame your pictures, ate sushi at our fave restaurant, went to Bali together and you've been very patient accompanying me to go in-and-out those boutiques! (thanks so much, babe... i found it very rare that a boyfriend could patiently waiting for his gf trying clothes), watched the play (although u didn't really understand the story because it was in Bahasa Indo), watched the Wayang Kulit (fortunately it had English subtitles yah, babe? :)), etc.. etc... It was also nice only to spend the weekends watching dvds and chatting with you.... Lately we're too exhausted (or lazy?) to go out yah... unlike the first couple of months, we always went out and had dinner at different fancy restaurants in town... (am glad that you could eat a l'il bit of spicy food!)

Am also glad that I didn't go to the Java Jazz on Sunday night. I don't know why, but I just couldn't wait to see him that night... I bought him some children books in Bahasa. He read one of the books, but didn't manage to finish it. One of his new year's resolutions was: to be able to speak Bahasa Indonesia fluently. It was indeed a very nice, quiet and lovely night. I knew I made a good decision to go to his place that day.
It's very hard for me to believe that now Morgan isn't around anymore. Tuesday afternoon (March 7th), he still sent me sms saying that he had to go to Yogya that night. He said that he hadn't eaten anything, was running around the whole day. Later in the evening, I called him, thought that he was already in Yogya, but he said that he missed his flight. He would take a morning flight tomorrow. Then we made an appointment to meet on Thursday, March 9th. Apparently, it was the last time that we spoke... :((
Yesterday morning (Wed, March 8th), when I arrived at the office, my colleagues were all watching TV. I was like, "What's going on here?" They said that Garuda (GA 200), the 6am flight, crashed. I was shocked, "Oh my God, Morgan's on the plane!" ... But there were some confusions since his maid said that his ticket wasn't Garuda, it was Adam Air. But knowing him, I knew that he would prefer to fly with Garuda.
That day was a tough day. I couldn't think of anything. Especially when my journalist friend called up and said that Morgan was one of the victims. I wished this was just a bad dream.... Someone, wake me up please!! You can pinch me so hard, I wouldn't complain, as long as this isn't real...
So, here I am now. In Yogya. I don't know what to do, but I just wanted to be here...
Babe, I met your Mom and sister, Caroline today. You really looked like your Mom. I could see you in her. What I didn't expect was that I met her and Caroline in this kind of difficult situation. But they looked very strong. Your Mom kept on saying that it's fate. I guess I should think that way too as there are just so many questions running in my head. What happened? Were you fainted before you managed to get out from the plane? Oh, I should stop questioning yah, babe... it won't make any difference now... :(( it won't bring you back...
Gosh... It feels like you're still around, babe. I really miss you. I want to see you... Can I ?

Please rest in peace, babe... And say hi to God from me yaahh... Am sure He'll take a good care of you now :) And thanks for the lovely time that we spent together. It was very meaningful for me..
Lots of love, Nila.