It’s been almost a month since my last post in this blog. Am very sorry for not updating my blog. Not because I stop writing. Hell no! It’s just because I still feel sad and don’t know where to start.
It’s amazing to see the response from all bloggers from my post on my trip’s experience to Malaysia. Metro TV even aired a show to discuss this matter last Sunday (1 April 2007). Apart from myself, the station interviewed Wimar Witoelar, Budi Putra and Nukman Lutfie. Read the results of the discussion here
If you watch the show, you probably notice that some comments of those speakers were edited. Budi Putra posted an unedited version of the show in his blog. Also click here.
On the same day (yes, on April fool day!), my first article in The Star, Malaysia's largest circulation English daily, was published. You can read it here
It’s a strange world, if I think about what’s happening in my life for the past 2 months. My blog had made some highly officials in Malaysia felt uneasy and his statements invited lots of reactions in the blogosphere. The TV station that I worked for as a host for a travel program, suspended me. Yet, out of the blue, after reading my blog, the editor of The Star offered me to be their life contributor in Indonesia (thank you so much for this opportunity!). I shared this good news with my loved one, Morgan Morgan and he was so happy to hear that and very supportive as well. Too bad he passed away before my first article was published.. :(
What’s going on with my world?
When I had a discussion with my boss at the PR firm that I work for about what happened with my TV job, he said something like this “When something happen, you should ask yourself: is it good or bad for you?”
I guess he’s right. Because of the suspension, I spent more time with my loved one before he passed away. Because of this blog matter, I got an opportunity to be a contributor for The Star, Malaysia’s leading English newspaper!
One of my friends said, “When a door closed, other windows/doors opens”.
It is so true. And I thank God for that.
And it really feels good to know that lots of people say, “Nila, we walk with you!” in the blogosphere. Oh, thank you so much guys! Your words are very encouraging and making me strong. Really.
I don’t know what God has in store for me. But what I know is that He always gives us the best and know what are the best for us. Don’t you think?